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Parkinson: Cambridge dá “passo vital” em direção à descoberta de uma cura


Este artigo tem mais de um ano

Autor: Ana Sofia Neto

  1. jimmypt says:

    São óptimas noticias!Que venha em breve a cura,para está maldita doença.

    • Spoky says:

      “The true cause of the tremors that characterize Parkinson’s is toxic heavy metal deposits in the brain. Medical communities are never going to fully understand or even attempt to fully understand the position metals can take in the brain or how these metals interact, and this is just one reason why this information is crucial for those seeking health and healing. When there are heavy metals in the brain, these deposits can be made of many different kinds of metals: copper, lead, arsenic, aluminum, cadmium, mercury and metal alloys. The neurological symptoms that occur depend on where these metal deposits are located and what kinds of metals they are. In many cases with so many other neurological conditions, the electrical impulses and neurotransmitters firing off in the brain will hit these deposits and shoot off into other areas of brain tissue. This occurrence causes many of the most common neurological symptoms including ADHD, autism, OCD, and many more conditions. ”

      Ai tens uma resposta. Tentar não custa 😉

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