PplWare Mobile

Chegou atualização do Android 15! A QPR1 Beta 3 corrige muitos problemas graves


Autor: Pedro Simões

  1. Carlos says:

    > Esta versão está ainda limitada aos Pixel

    Como assim? O Android 15 saiu primeiro para o Vivo X Fold 3 Pro, antes do pixel.

    Que problemas graves além das actualizações rotineiras de segurança?

    • Não estamos a falar do Android 15 que saiu há uns dias, mas sim da atualização intermédia do Android 15 que surgirá em dezembro = QPR1
      Fixed an issue that sometimes caused notifications to be displayed with some content that was cut off. (Issue #369022573)

      Fixed an issue with system memory paging that sometimes caused devices to crash and restart. (Issue #370281133, Issue #363067081)

      Fixed an issue where the volume buttons didn’t work when connected to certain Bluetooth devices. (Issue #370700569, Issue #362542656, Issue #362115174, Issue #369774572)

      Fixed an issue where some app icons on the home screen were displaying the default system icon instead of the app’s icon. (Issue #335579823)

      Fixed an issue that caused a device to run slowly and sometimes crash when switching back to the primary user from the secondary user. (Issue #339635839)

      Fixed an issue that sometimes caused the system UI to crash. (Issue #370214367)

      Fixed an issue for foldable devices where the screen sometimes went blank when unfolding the device. (Issue #367324432)

      Fixed an issue that sometimes prevented users from interacting with heads-up notifications.

      Fixed an issue that sometimes caused the system to crash while taking a bug report.

      Fixed various other issues that were impacting system stability, connectivity, and interactivity.

      Fix a crash in BluetoothDevice.getType() that occurred primarily in the testing environment when Bluetooth resources were reused between virtual device instances.

      Improved LE Audio volume control by enabling independent adjustment of each connected sink’s volume using the UI and limiting volume key adjustments to the primary sink.

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