Novos Mapas StarCraft II
Numa tentativa de manter a fidelidade da comunidade gamer de StarCraft II e de, em simultâneo, oferecer uma maior variedade à experiência fascinante que é, jogar este magnifico titulo de Estratégia, a Blizzard anunciou recentemente algumas alterações à sua lista de mapas online.
Alguns dos antigos vão desaparecer, outros irão ser alterados, e novos serão acrescentados.
Vamos ver quais...
Os mapas multiplayer gratuitos em causa incluem 4 novos 1v1 ladder maps, 4 novos 2v2 ladder maps, e um novo 4v4 ladder map. Os novos mapas serão distributivos automaticamente através do serviço assim que se faça i Login em StarCraft II. Os mapas antigos que serão substituídos continuarão acessíveis através do "custom match interface".
De seguida seguem as indicações dos mapas alterados, bem como breves descrições dos mapas novos feitas pela equipa de desenvolvimento.
Alterações no 1v1:
Mapas que se mantêm:
- (2)Scrap Station
- (2)Xel’Naga Caverns
- (4)Delta Quadrant
- (4)Metalopolis
Mapas Removidos:
- (2)Blistering Sands
- (2)Jungle Basin
- (2)Steppes of War
- (4)Lost Temple
- (4)Shakuras Plateau
Mapas Novos:
- (4)Backwater Gulch - Backwater Gulch has a familiar main to first expansion layout. Early game play on this map should feel familiar and there probably aren’t too many early game threats or difficulties in terms of gimmicky strategies you need to worry about. The second expansion, however, features a high ground area that is accessible by two ramps, meaning it can be easily harassed. The center area has two watch towers as well as two high yield expansions that will be difficult to maintain, and the key to victory in some games could come down to how long you hold one or both of these center expansions.
- (4)Slag Pits - Metalopolis was one of two favorite maps across the different skill levels of players. We decided to introduce a very similar map, but slightly more macro heavy. We took out Shakuras Plateau, which was a very plain macro map, and added this map instead. Some of the key features of this map are the low ground high yield expansions, the 2 lines of shrub area that can be used to position units, as well as the low ground watch tower that watches over all of the low ground center.
- (4)The Shattered Temple Improvements to Lost Temple found in this map include:- The Shattered Temple is a newer version of Lost Temple that’s more balanced: 1. Wider center area; 2. Watch tower changed to only cover a part of the center of the map. It’s possible to sneak units around the corners of the central area without getting detected by the watch tower. 3. Rocked off islands. This creates an alternate attack route, and reduces stalemate situations that islands cause. 4. Larger choke point by the expansion makes it more difficult to block off.
- (4)Typhon Peaks- This map has a lot of the fun traits of previous maps. Rocks by on the sides of the map are positioned similarly to Scrap Station to reduce rush distance in vertical start locations. The center has two watch towers and provides the main attack path like in Shakuras Plateau, and the second expansion is similar to the setup of Xel’Naga Caverns. Even though this map is brand new, players will be able to utilize some of their existing strategies that have been used on other maps, and potentially combine them to fit the unique play style of this new map.
Alterações no 2v2:
Mapas que se mantêm:
- (4)High Orbit
- (4)Monlyth Ridge
- (4)Red Stone Gulch
- (4)Scorched Haven
- (8)Tempest
Mapas Removidos:
- (4)Arid Wastes
- (4)Tarsonis Assault
- (4)Twilight Fortress
- (4)War Zone
Mapas Novos:
- (4)Gutterhulk - Like Scorched Haven or Monlyth Ridge, this map has a center area between the two allies where each player can safely expand. However, the main difference is that there are rocks blocking off the back of the main bases, meaning harassing either players’ main base is possible. In terms of main attack routes, there are 5 different attack paths to your opponents, meaning that control of the two watch towers is key to success on this map.
- (4)Khaydarin Depths- This map was first showcased during Blizzcon 2009 even before the retail game launched. This map features an easily defendable high yield expansion in between you and your ally. However, this expansion is blocked off by destructible rocks, meaning you have to choose when to break this rock vs. when to attack or defend vs. the opposing team. Controlling the center of the map gains you access to most of the center of the map, but there are still back door routes around to the opponents’ bases by breaking one set of destructible rocks.
- (4)Omega Sector - Omega Sector is a two-player version of the popular 3v3 map Arakan Citadel. The start locations are very similar on both maps, and side expansion areas are a bit more easily accessible by the opposing players. This map has a possible three paths to attack, and although the center is the fastest route, the other two routes will be used very frequently because there are no watch towers overlooking them. As with Arakan Citadel, your ally is slightly far away from your base, so consider this when placing your first production structures.
- (4)Ruins of Tarsonis - Ruins of Tarsonis is a more-balanced version of War Zone, which is being removed from the map pool. The biggest downside of War Zone was that it was near impossible to assist your ally if you didn’t have a mobile army. However, with the shared choke points on this map, it’s now possible to play as any race combination without obvious disadvantages. In the mid/late game however, there are back door attack paths leading to your second expansion areas, so be sure to defend those locations as well.
Alterações no 4v4:
Mapas que se mantêm:
- (8)Extinction
- (8)High Ground
- (8)Lava Flow
- (8)Megaton
- (8)Outpost
- (8)Sand Canyon
(8)Toxic Slums
Mapas Novos:
- (8)District 10- This map is divided in half for each team to control each side. Make sure to take control of the two watch towers in order to control your team’s side, and pay close attention to the destructible rocks leading into the main base shared by you and your teammates.
As imagens apresentadas não são dos novos mapas ainda ... assim que tivermos as imagens dos novos mapas lançaremos outro artigo.
Este artigo tem mais de um ano
Mas já estão disponíveis? Ou é para breve? Lá vou eu voltar ao vício 🙂
Já estão, à algum tempo.
Obrigado, pela informação 🙂
Alguma loja que venda tempo?
Estava mm a precisar para voltar a agarrar-me pelo menos um pouco a este grande jogo! 😛