PplWare Mobile

Visual CD 4.0


Este artigo tem mais de um ano

Autor: Ana Narciso

  1. valerio says:


    Vai fazer-me um jeita enorme… principalmente a portable edition

  2. CAP says:

    É capaz de dar jeito

  3. Hawk says:

    Excelente dica. Obrigado. 😀

  4. André says:

    Não funcionou. Aparece a mensagem
    Run-time error 339: Component COMCTL32.OCX or one of its dependencies not correctly registered: a file is missing or invalid.

    Alguém sabe como consertar?

  5. Ana Narciso says:

    . Why do I receive this error and how can I fix it? Run-time error ‘339’: Component ‘COMCTL32.OCX’ or one of its dependencies not correctly registered: a file is missing or invalid.

    . The COMCTL32.OCX is normally installed with 32-bit Windows operating systems with IE4.0 or later. Windows NT 4.0 may or may not have it installed depending on the service pack, also another program that was uninstalled may remove it.

    Auto-install of Comctl32.ocx:
    You can download the control from this location:
    http://www.imagedig.com/download/comctl32-install.exe 480kB.

    After downloading, double click on the file and it will automatically update your system and register the control.

    FONTE: http://www.imagedig.com/page6.html

    Tenta lá.

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