PplWare Mobile

PiVPN: Transforme um Raspberry Pi num servidor de VPNs


Autor: Pedro Pinto

  1. Filipe says:

    Ja tenho o cartão e o raspberry pronto para isso, mas vou instalar primeiro o pihole para ficar mais completo

  2. Rodrigo says:

    Para quem gosta de soluções já prontas, existe os routers da GL.iNet que com 2 cliques configuram tudo desde, servidor e cliente OpenVPN/Wireguard também já com adguard faz o mesmo que o pihole, com Tor, com encriptação de DNS, etc… Um verdadeiro canivete suíço e ficam mais baratos que uma Raspberry atual.

  3. Sei lá says:

    OpenVPN ou Wireguard? Quero impementar um deles, mas tenho dúvidas o qual escolher.

  4. transcendez says:

    O pivpn foi descontinuado… Não tem mais suporte.

  5. nfu says:

    Headscale no servidor e Tailscale nos clientes.

    • Rodrigo says:

      Funciona sobre wireguard, mas também é óptimo.
      GL.iNet também tem modo cliente Tailscale e tudo através do painel não é preciso correr executar comandos nem nada tudo simplesm

  6. BMJ says:

    Eu instalei uma servidor de VPN para aceder à minha rede e através de docker só consegui com WireGuard.
    No meu caso tenho um raspeberri pi com 4 dockers a correr!

  7. Hacker Alhinho says:

    PP, e fazer a instalação de um cliente VPN para aceder ao nosso PI remotamente?
    Faz aí um artigo e publica, SFF, ASAP…!! 😉 😀

  8. papagaio says:

    Hi everyone,

    It’s time to say goodbye.

    This is the final official release of PiVPN.

    I inherited this project from @0-kaladin and @redfast00, who moved on with their lives. I maintained it as my own with the great help of @orazioedoardo, to whom I’m immensely grateful. He held the boat and kept it floating while I could not be present, and he too gave a lot of himself to this project!

    But now it’s time for me too to move on!

    I’ve been giving less and less attention to PiVPN, and the desire to keep up with it is no longer what it once was. When PiVPN was created, it filled a big void and had a clear mission and purpose, which I feel has been fulfilled! We went from OpenVPN being something hard to set up and complicated to manage, to WireGuard being able to run on any toaster and easy to set up. There are so many tools out there that do the job much better than PiVPN does, and I genuinely believe PiVPN’s mission in life was accomplished and is no longer relevant. Just as everything in nature has a start, there’s also an end, and this is how PiVPN ends its journey.

    PiVPN has been home for so many of you, starting with Linux, bash, open-source, and everyone was always very welcomed, just like it was for me 7 years ago. I cannot express how grateful I am to all the 84 Contributors for this amazing project.

    It has been a wild ride, and I’ve learned so much from PiVPN and from every single one of you!


    PiVPN repositories will be archived and set to read-only, and will no longer be maintained. Unless @0-kaladin rises back again and decides otherwise.

    The PiVPN Website and its documentation are hosted on GitHub, therefore it will remain accessible under the pivpn.io domain for as long as @0-kaladin keeps paying the bills, just the same way I will keep hosting the redirection for the installation for as long as possible. I will still make a few commits to update the documentation about the project’s state, but that will be it.

    I will maintain ownership of the repository, but I won’t pass it down to anyone else. First, because I feel it’s not up to me to decide who to pass the project down to, and second, because there is no one else to pass the project to.

    “But I want and can maintain it, can I take it over?” Let me put it plain and simple: No! I don’t know you, I don’t trust you! Fork it and carry on!

  9. coolapso / 4s3ti says:

    Saudacoes do tipo que temporariamente descontinuou o PiVPN … sim … PiVPN foi mantido por um tuga muitos anos!! vamos la deixar aqui algumas coisas claras,
    1 – PPLWare .. pivpn existe a tantos anos, durante boa parte desses anos foi mantido por um tuga (eu!!) e so agora e que se lembraram?
    2 – Para os que dizem que o PiVPN esta descontinuado e acusam pplware de estar destualizado … nem sei que diga … sao piores que o pplware porque nao foram capazes de ler um pouco mais nem reparar que existiram mais releases depois “da ultima”. PiVPN ainda é mantido e ficou ainda com um maintainer e vai continuar a receber suporte minimo.

    coolapso aka 4s3ti,
    ex-Maintainer PiVPN

  10. MP says:

    Tive que reinstalar tudo de novo. Imagem do SO de 19-11-2024 e pivpn e wireguard. Tenho um problema. Umas vezes faz ligação e outras não. É como se tivesse um horário definido. Tinha tudo a correr sem problemas desde maio, mas o RPi4 parou. Não arrancava.

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