PplWare Mobile

Keka – Compactar e Descompactar de forma fácil no Lion


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Autor: Vítor M.

  1. Vítor Silva says:

    nick: aONe
    Hi! This is aONe, the keka developer. I’m happy to see you talking about my project and… ehem… with your post (and comments) I’ve realized that keka means what it means in Portuguese… But yeah I’m happy to for that.
    By the way if someone have some time and want keka in Portuguese just take in touch with me! You can found me in “About keka”.
    PD: Hablo en inglés porque no sé si me entenderéis mejor que en castellano… Salut!


  2. Francisco M. says:

    O nick é aONe e o primeiro comentário foi feito a 15 de Maio, aqui: https://pplware.sapo.pt/apple/keka-para-mac-compactar-e-descompactar-facilmente/
    “Hi! This is aONe, the keka developer(…)”


  3. JP says:

    Muito bem, há-de ser engraçado ouvir dizer para a secretária: “Gertrudes, mande-me aí uma Keka nesses relatórios”! rsrsrsrsrsrs

  4. André Correia says:

    Será mesmo o aONe ?

    Eu acredito em voces. 😀


  5. 4SGuy says:

    E keka 4S há? :D:D:D

  6. José Simões says:

    O nick é aONe, o comentário está aqui https://pplware.sapo.pt/apple/keka-para-mac-compactar-e-descompactar-facilmente/comment-page-1/#comment-308022

    “15 de Maio de 2010 às 2:13 am
    Hi! This is aONe, the keka developer. I’m happy to see you talking about my project and… ehem… with your post (and comments) I’ve realized that keka means what it means in Portuguese… But yeah I’m happy to for that.
    By the way if someone have some time and want keka in Portuguese just take in touch with me! You can found me in “About keka”.
    PD: Hablo en inglés porque no sé si me entenderéis mejor que en castellano… Salut!”

  7. José Miguel says:

    Foi este:

    15 de Maio de 2010 às 2:13 am
    Hi! This is aONe, the keka developer. I’m happy to see you talking about my project and… ehem… with your post (and comments) I’ve realized that keka means what it means in Portuguese… But yeah I’m happy to for that.
    By the way if someone have some time and want keka in Portuguese just take in touch with me! You can found me in “About keka”.
    PD: Hablo en inglés porque no sé si me entenderéis mejor que en castellano… Salut!

    Aqui: https://pplware.sapo.pt/apple/keka-para-mac-compactar-e-descompactar-facilmente/

  8. Rui Dias says:

    Nick: aONe;

    Commentary: “Hi! This is aONe, the keka developer. I’m happy to see you talking about my project and… ehem… with your post (and comments) I’ve realized that keka means what it means in Portuguese… But yeah I’m happy to for that.
    By the way if someone have some time and want keka in Portuguese just take in touch with me! You can found me in “About keka”.
    PD: Hablo en inglés porque no sé si me entenderéis mejor que en castellano… Salut!”

  9. Ricardo says:

    Link: https://pplware.sapo.pt/apple/keka-para-mac-compactar-e-descompactar-facilmente/
    Nick: aOne
    Conteúdo: “Hi! This is aONe, the keka developer. I’m happy to see you talking about my project and… ehem… with your post (and comments) I’ve realized that keka means what it means in Portuguese… But yeah I’m happy to for that.
    By the way if someone have some time and want keka in Portuguese just take in touch with me! You can found me in “About keka”.
    PD: Hablo en inglés porque no sé si me entenderéis mejor que en castellano… Salut!”

  10. Bruno Melo says:

    Off topic: iphone 4s em Portugal a 11 de Novembro 😉 mesmo na altura de receber o ultimo apesar de mais curto subsidio de Natal lol

  11. Pedro says:

    bom caminho? ainda ha duvidas que osX é o melhor?

  12. Qu1cK says:

    Nick: aONe
    “Hi! This is aONe, the keka developer. I’m happy to see you talking about my project and… ehem… with your post (and comments) I’ve realized that keka means what it means in Portuguese… But yeah I’m happy to for that.
    By the way if someone have some time and want keka in Portuguese just take in touch with me! You can found me in “About keka”.
    PD: Hablo en inglés porque no sé si me entenderéis mejor que en castellano… Salut!”

    Link: https://pplware.sapo.pt/apple/keka-para-mac-compactar-e-descompactar-facilmente/

  13. PapiMigas says:

    Gostei do nome… Faz me lembrar uma cliente que queria por no email personalizado as iniciais dela (pd) e só quando lhe disse o que significava em francês é que ela desistiu da ideia, hehe!

  14. Tiago Cruz says:

    aposto neste xD
    “Hay una gran extensión que bloquea todo tipo de vídeo en la web hasta que hacemos click encima y, mucho más importante, busca alternativas a Flash (como HTML5) antes de cargarlo! Además si queréis la podéis traducir al portugués, yo la he traducido al Español.


    em: https://pplware.sapo.pt/informacao/macbook-air-com-flash-perde-33-de-autonomia/

  15. zhiel says:

    Adoro o nome dessa aplicação

  16. Vítor M. says:

    Já foram entregues Promo Keys a quem participou e, por gentileza do aone, ainda temos mais 3 licenças… alguém quer?

  17. Ricardo Almeida says:

    Ficava com uma :D… obrigado aONe

  18. Manuel says:

    Aqui vai:

    15 de Maio de 2010 às 2:13 am

    Hi! This is aONe, the keka developer. I’m happy to see you talking about my project and… ehem… with your post (and comments) I’ve realized that keka means what it means in Portuguese… But yeah I’m happy to for that.

    By the way if someone have some time and want keka in Portuguese just take in touch with me! You can found me in “About keka”.

    PD: Hablo en inglés porque no sé si me entenderéis mejor que en castellano… Salut!

  19. Diogo says:

    Licença também para mim se sobrar alguma! 🙂

  20. Hugo Pereira says:

    Ha mais alguma ? 🙂

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