PplWare Mobile

Opera 9.51 Build 10080 RC2


Este artigo tem mais de um ano

Autor: Vítor M.

  1. Morbus says:

    O novo tema é feio como tudo, todo “vista”-oso e não sei quê. Mas que palhaçada.

  2. Sniffer says:

    Gostaria de um “review” de quem já utilizou esse navegador. Funciona a gosto? Há coisas que não faz (especificamente, tipos de páginas que não roda)?

    • Gustavo says:

      Em geral, o Opera é rápido (mais rápido que outros, como o MS IE), mas não abre certas páginas que necessitam de controles ActiveX, como algumas páginas de bancos, por exemplo.

  3. André_23 says:


    Na minha opinião esta versão está excelente, tirando um bug com o flash, em que ao abrir um site que contenha flash o browser simplesmente empanca. Mas isto na versão para Linux, em Windows não deve acontecer isso.

  4. IB says:

    Eu não vou adientar muito, porque não tenho muita paciencia, mas sempre usei Opera e não podia estar mais satisfeito.

    Não gosto de Firefox e muito menos de IE. O internet seria mais fácil para todos se todos usasem Opera, que respeita os standards do W3C.

    Para quem não gosta do tema, há centenas de skins para poderem personalizar o vosso Opera, por isso o comentário do Morbus era escusado.

    Cada um é livre de escolher, e experimentei vários navegadores e escolhi Opera. O que é certo é que não podia estar mais satisfeito.

    Um dia todos os navegadores terão que respeitar os web standards, até lá, temos o Opera.

    À imagem do que já se passa com sites para TLM’s, tambem um dia todos os designers/codders web vão ter que respeitar as regras W3C, até lá há bons e maus “developers”, não há meio termo, com os navegadores é a mesma coisa.

    Ainda bem que comecei com o WAP e WML, muito antes da WEB e HTML 🙂

  5. Porquê? says:

    O Opera é dos três browsers que experimentei (juntamente com o Firefox e Internet Explorer) aquele que mais memória ocupa.

    Em termos funcionais, pelo menos para mim, não possui nenhuma outra funcionalidade que me faça mudar do meu eterno firefox :).

  6. Fernando Martins says:

    @Sniffer: Podes ver a minha opinião sobre o Opera aqui:https://pplware.sapo.pt/2008/06/12/opera-950-final/#comment-138797
    @ M orbus: Acho a skin default da nova versão um verdadeiro mimo, é bonita, prática e se bem que não seja bem minimalista não ocupa mt espaço. Especialmente se se retirarem os “X” das Tabs (o botão de close) que não fazem lá falta nenhuma e só atrapalham a visão (eu tenho tantas Tabs abertas simulataneamente que se tivesse lá o “X” não se via nada!)

    Quanto ao flsah não tenho esse problema e até corrigiram um bug da versão Beta em que videos FLV (como os do Youtube) perdiam o som e paravam de 2 em 2 segundos. Esta versão está um mimo e ainda está para aparecer uma página importante que não tenha conseguido ler (com bancos ou sites esquisitos) No entanto, se houverem demasiados truques e mariquices podem-se encontrar problemas. Já encontrei um: o novíssimo site do Diablo 3 não carrega convenientemente – http://www.blizzard.com/diablo3/ Com certeza por estar cheio de layers e “flashadas”.

  7. IB says:


    Is Opera really faster?

    Opera’s speed is the result of its tightly coded core and Opera’s rendering engine, which is designed to display the text of the page as quickly as possible. Plus, Opera offers quick navigation with keyboard shortcuts and mouse gestures, as well as range of features for more efficient surfing, such as the option to open all your favorite pages at once. In addition, Opera is significantly faster on computers with lower modem speeds and weaker system resources.

    Why is Opera more secure?

    Opera’s tight code has been designed to keep users as safe as possible, resulting in the best security track record of any browser (www.secunia.com). To combat the growing threat of online fraud (phishing), Opera features a security information field that displays security certificate information and a security rating on secure sites, such as for shopping and banking. With this added information, users are better able to judge whether or not a site is trustworthy. Opera also displays the URL of anonymous pop-ups, so that the user is aware of the source of the advertisement. Opera also offers the strictest privacy settings in the industry, enabling users to remove all trace of their online activity with one click. In addition, Opera automatically checks for updates to make sure you will always have the latest version available.

    How is Opera simpler than before?

    Opera offers a simplified tabbed-browser user interface (UI). The default UI design is cleaner, more intuitive and allows for easy navigation. Moreover, users do not need to download additional extensions to access a wide range of features. Advanced features remain built-in and easily activated.

    Does Opera support extensions?

    Opera has incorporated some of the most useful and popular features in the browser itself, and holds itself accountable for the functionality of these features. With integrated features rather than extensions, users are not subjected to the vulnerabilities of extensions created by third parties, which may or may not go through a verification or testing process. In addition to the features that are built into the browser itself, Opera also supports some third party add-ons like plug-ins, skins, panels, custom menus and buttons, user scripts, and so on.

    Does Opera support Java?

    Opera by default does not come integrated with Java. Opera will prompt a Java download when a user visits a page that requires Java.

    Does Opera support ActiveX and/or VBScript?

    Opera does not support ActiveX. Opera Software is dedicated to supporting Internet standards. ActiveX is not a standard and will only work on Microsoft Windows. Opera Software takes pride in offering Opera on multiple operating systems. ActiveX is also the source of many security problems in Internet Explorer. We believe it is better to use Java to perform ActiveX tasks, so that our users can have a secure and standards-compliant Web browser.

    The same reasoning applies to our decision not to support VBScript. For a good reference on this and other Microsoft security hazards, take a look at a C|Net article written by Paul Festa and Joe Wilcox on May 5th, 2000: Microsoft criticized for lack of software security.

    How much of Internet Explorer/ Netscape Navigator does Opera use?

    Absolutely nothing. Opera is an Internet browser built from scratch, and without using the existing code libraries that Internet Explorer and Netscape use. This makes Opera highly flexible and independent, which is apparent in the way the browser works.

    Why do some Web pages render incorrectly in Opera?

    The Opera browser is the strictest supporter of the W3Cs technical standards in the browser market today. This is done to ensure interoperability between browsers and hardware manufacturers, meaning that a Web page made in accordance with W3Cs recommendations is viewable with any browser-application an Internet user chooses. Unfortunately some Webmasters make their sites specific to one or the other browser’s proprietary standards. The result is that some sites effectively shut other browsers out, or their pages may look strange in them.

    However, this is a transitional problem. With the advent of the wireless Internet, Webmasters must start complying to W3C standards, or else their pages will not be accessible to the majority of the Internet population. The two dominant browsers on the PCs are too bloated to fit into small, handheld devices.

    Why does Opera always emphasize that it follows W3Cs standards?

    Opera believes in an Internet where everyone can meet, innovate and thrive. For this to happen certain international standards must be followed by everyone. The World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) [www.w3.org] develops interoperable technologies (specifications, guidelines, software, and tools) that make this possible. We don’t want to own or monopolize the Internet, we want an Internet that stays true to its true ideals. For more on Opera’s values, take a look at Opera’s Mission.

    What can I do to change Opera’s UI?

    To customize your browser simply select “Tools” > “Appearance”. Users can then choose to change skins, toobars, panels and buttons, or create their own at my.opera.com.

    What is the Opera Composer?

    The customization of Opera doesn’t end with applying different skins or buttons to your browser’s interface. You can design your own Web browser with the Opera Composer. Spend 5 minutes and use predesigned buttons and images, or spend a whole day creating your own button and image sets before you design your own Web browser in the Opera Composer. When you are finished, you can distribute your Web browser to other members of a group for free. Design your own Web browser at composer.opera.com.

    Do plug-ins work with Opera?

    Yes. Opera’s plug-in API is very similar to Netscape’s, meaning that most plug-ins that work with Netscape also work with Opera.
    Why is Opera’s default identification set to Internet Explorer?

    Opera needs to identify itself as Internet Explorer, as some sites simply will not let Opera in. This includes many Microsoft sites and others. Some sites also fail without warning if the user tries to identify the browser as Opera or as an unknown browser. This is particularly true for sites running Microsoft IIS server, since Microsoft introduced a method that makes all unknown browsers fail and decided not to include Opera on the list of known browsers.

    Does the Voice feature in Opera work for visually impaired people?

    Opera is not currently recommended as a replacement for screen readers, though Voice may be an appealing feature for those with residual vision.

    Opera and the competition

    Your competitors are multi-billion dollar corporations. How can you succeed?

    Douglas Adams wrote in his excellent book “So Long, and Thanks for All the Fish” in The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy series:

    The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy […] says of the Sirius Cybernetics Corporation products that ‘it is very easy to be blinded to the essential uselessness of them by the sense of achievement you get from getting them to work at all.’ In other words — and this is the rock-solid principle on which the whole of the Corporation’s Galaxywide success is founded — their fundamental design flaws are completely hidden by their superficial design flaws.

    Adams, Douglas

    (The Ultimate Hitchhiker’s Guide. Random House, New York, 1996: 594)

    Opera will succeed because it is a better product, therefore providing a Better Internet Experience on Any Device.

    What about the other, smaller competitors?

    Browsers seems to surface almost weekly, but most of them disappear almost as soon as they appear. It takes time and dedication to make a great browser, especially one that supports standards such as CSS and JavaScript.

    You are located so far away from where the real action takes place. That must be a disadvantage?

    Our location is to our advantage. Opera Software ASA is headquartered in Oslo, Norway. The Nordic and North European region is the undisputed world leader in Internet and mobile technologies, and as such is an ideal place for a player in the Internet device market.

  8. Opera fan says:

    Estou em linux e o flash funciona perfeitamente com o opera. Experimenta fazer o update para a ultima versão do flash, foi o que eu fiz e passou a funcionar.

  9. Luciano says:

    firefox? excelente, mais resolvi teste o bendito safari, versao para windows e realmente me surpreendeu, ate agora nao tive problemas com navegãção, para quem gosta de novidade vale a pena testar.

  10. Rodrigo says:

    Só pra responder o “Porquê?”:

    Consumo de memória muito inferior (Comprovem: http://img214.imageshack.us/img214/3444/operaxfirefoxqo1.jpg)

    Carregamento mais rápido de páginas
    Visual mais belo e elegante
    Maior possibilidade de customização
    Melhor gerenciador de downloads dentre todos os navegadores
    Gerenciador de downloads anexado
    Melhor sistema de busca, usando a tecla “.” e alternando resultado através do “F3”
    Download de torrent
    Criação de mecanismos de busca
    Bloco de notas integrado
    Tocador primitivo de música
    Gerenciador de Feeds
    Gerenciador de E-mails
    Possibilidade de abrir páginas anteriormente fechadas
    Pesquisar por termos de alguma página dentro da barra de endereços
    Gerenciador de javascript próprio e nativo
    Mouse Gestures
    Atalhos por voz
    Serviço pop e imap
    Primeiro a utilizar sistema de abas
    Painel extremamente prático, acessível no lado esquerdo da tela, com possibilidade de colocar rádios da web, usar icq2go e muito mais.
    Start bar, com diversas funções aparecendo somente quando você clicar na barra de endereços, não ocupando espaço na tela.
    Wand extremamente seguro, prático e inteligente
    Minimização para a barra de sistema através do comando: shift + ctrl + alt + h
    Cliente Irc próprio
    Sincronização de favoritos por site oficial para acessá-los de onde você estiver
    Excelente desempenho no ACID3 (muito superior ao Firefox)

    Tudo o que você vê como novidade no firefox, já era implementado no Opera há anos.

  11. Nuno José Almeida says:

    @Fernando Martins

    Por acaso o eterno site do BPI empresas.

  12. IB says:

    @Nuno José Almeida,
    e se o site não funciona em Opera, diz-me sff de quem tu achas é a culpa?

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