PplWare Mobile

ESET SysInspector RC


Este artigo tem mais de um ano

Autor: Pplware

  1. Fábio Palma says:


    New Features:

    * Added detection of master boot record (MBR) infecting rootkits, such as Win32/Mebroot.
    * Added Cancel button in Save Log File dialog.
    * Added anti-stealth device driver which dynamically loads at runtime to to detect rootkits and other hidden objects. Items detected using the driver will be assigned a risk level of “9” and shown in blue.
    * Added ability to compare two log files (specify two log files on the command line to compare, or run ESET SysInspector, create (or open) a log file and select File→Compare Log from the main menu to compare against the currently-displayed log file).
    * Added command line option /SILENT to suppress display of the progress bar when generating reports.
    * Added command line option /BLANK to start ESET SysInspector without creating (or loading) a log file


    * Changed the default format used to save the log file from XML to ZIP-compressed XML (can still be opened by dragging saved XML or ZIP file onto program shortcut).
    * Changed default log file name from “SystemStatusLog” to “SysInspector-%COMPUTERNAME%-YYMMDD-HHMM”.
    * Changed program to display license agreement when run (skipped if the EULA file is present in the same folder as ESET SysInspector’s program file).
    * Changes to user interface: Cleaned up user interface to fix small issues with font sizes, location of displayed text and so forth.


    * Fixed problem with not opening ZIPped log files when dragged-and-dropped onto an ESET SysInspector shortcut icon.
    * Fixed problem with reporting more than 4GB of memory on 64-bit systems.
    * Fixed problem with viewing log files sent to ESET SysInspector using the SendTo item from the context menu
    * Fixed flickering when resizing ESET SysInspector’s display window.

    Known issues:

    * ESET SysInspector does not run under Windows Server 2008 Core (works fine with other roles).

  2. Miguel says:

    Tem dado que falar esta empresa, num bom sentido claro. Que tem eset está muito mais seguro do que outro qualquer …


  3. Nuno A. says:

    Falem-me um pouco disto: é um antivirus? é um programa de informações de sistema? Gostava que me esclarecessem sobre isto!
    Desde já muito obrigado!
    Nuno A.

  4. @Nuno A.

    Queres post mais detalhado?

  5. Dave says:

    Oi pessoal,

    Eu gostaria de saber se é pesado e se costumam ter sp o prog a correr, ou é dakeles k se ligam qd atepece analisar o k tá a acontecer?



  6. Rodrigo says:

    o que houve com o autor do blog? este post não está nada parecido com o verdadeiro autor deste site. Será que teve problemas com o computador? Só eu acho isso?

  7. TopPlus says:


    Muito fixe esta ferramenta, leva um pouco de tempo a arrancar mas tem a vantagem de não ser preciso instalar.
    Espero que a mantenham freeware.

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