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DICA: PDF Eraser, elimine conteúdos de um PDF


Este artigo tem mais de um ano

Autor: Mário Sousa

  1. irlm says:

    ainda tem vantagem de economizar tinteiro.

  2. Nuno Vilaça says:

    Excelente partilha! 🙂
    Mas sabem de algum editor “a sério”?


    • Miguel Rodrigues says:

      Master PDF Editor (Win, Mac, Linux)

      Then our brand new software Master PDF Editor is exactly what you need!
      With this easy-to-use and cost efficient application you can create, edit, preview, encrypt, sign and print XPS and interactive PDF documents with just a few clicks.
      Our robust and rich set of features includes the full support of PDF and XPS files, import/export PDF pages into JPG, TIFF, PNG, or BMP formats, converting XPS into PDF and vice versa, and 128 bit encryption.
      You can also add various controls such as buttons, text fields, checkboxes and more, as well as implement event handlers for predefined user actions such as pressing, clicking, hovering, and scrolling.
      Powerful commenting tools like Sticky Note and Stamp, as well as enhanced editing capabilities packed in the StrikeOut, Underline, and Highlight functions will make your work easier than ever.


    • A Lopes says:

      O nitro é um dos melhores editores, minha opinião. (www.nitropdf.com)

  3. jrgaugusto says:

    …então eu consigo isto com caixas e por aí fora com o Foxit Reader…

  4. Theboice says:

    Por acaso dá-me jeito, no entanto a função de eliminar páginas não funciona…acho.

  5. Miguel Rodrigues says:

    Master PDF Editor (Win, Mac, Linux)

    Then our brand new software Master PDF Editor is exactly what you need!
    With this easy-to-use and cost efficient application you can create, edit, preview, encrypt, sign and print XPS and interactive PDF documents with just a few clicks.

    Our robust and rich set of features includes the full support of PDF and XPS files, import/export PDF pages into JPG, TIFF, PNG, or BMP formats, converting XPS into PDF and vice versa, and 128 bit encryption.

    You can also add various controls such as buttons, text fields, checkboxes and more, as well as implement event handlers for predefined user actions such as pressing, clicking, hovering, and scrolling.

    Powerful commenting tools like Sticky Note and Stamp, as well as enhanced editing capabilities packed in the StrikeOut, Underline, and Highlight functions will make your work easier than ever.


  6. Manuel Borges says:

    O meu diz que está Unregistered e deixa sempre uma watermark quando se guarda o documento editado.
    Não acho que se classifique como freeware assim, mas posso estar enganado.

  7. RP says:

    Este programa deixa uma marca. Assim não serve.

  8. Matheus says:

    Tinha tudo para ser ótimo se não deixasse uma marca no documento.

  9. Reinaldo W.Reis says:


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