
Upload Lisboa 2014: Entrevista a Parry Malm

O Pplware foi Media Partner no Upload Lisboa, evento de marketing, informação e comunicação que ocorreu neste passado Sábado, dia 4 de Outubro. Depois de Pedro Janela, hoje mostramos a entrevista feita a Parry Malm, Presidente da HowlingMad.

Parry Malm apresentou o tema Email marketing isn’t just about sending emails anymore. Nós quisemos saber um pouco mais e aqui fica a entrevista!

Marisa Pinto: What’s the mission and goals of Howling Mad?

Parry Malm: Too many agencies focus on soft targets – like more likes and more followers.  I started Howling Mad so we can use our proven, innovative and insider techniques to help brands and media outlets make more money online. We are not a “Performance Marketing” agency – we use all the available digital channels – content, social, landing pages and email – to create a holistic, effective and profitable customer acquisition model.


MP: You define yourself as a Digital Anarchist, what it means?

PM: When a new buzzword comes out, everyone follows it like it’s going to change their lives.  I, on the other hand, don’t follow the trends.  I do what makes money online.  Often I say things that gurus and experts disagree with.  But, why are we in marketing if it’s not to make money from customers? 


MP: You’ve said that the email is not dead and I totally agree with that, but, in your opinion, the web users, in general, are conscientious about it, and protect their accounts safely?

PM: I’ll answer this question with another question – would you rather a website knows your email address, or have access to all of your personal information?  If you log in to a site with email, all they have is your email.  If you log in with Facebook, they know way, way more.  That is scary.  Giving your email to someone isn’t scary.


MP: The CRM Re-targeting strategy was really interesting. Do you think that the brands, in general, are promoting their products the best way? What the most common mistakes that brands do on digital marketing?

PM: Most people have tried CRM Re-targeting and not done very well with it, because they treat it as an independent marketing channel.  The key is to integrate it with all of your other communications to create a customer funnel.  This is what Howling Mad do – we work with brands and media outlets to create and monetise effective online sales funnels.

MP: What are your goals for the future? How do you see the email marketing strategy in 2020?

PM: Currently the majority of my clients are in the USA and the UK.  However, I can tell there is a huge opportunity in countries like Portugal, who, due to size and language barriers, are often forgotten about by the “big boys” in the industry. What I would love to do is internationalise Howling Mad so we can bring our proven solutions to brands around the world. Hey, if anyone in Portugal wants to hire us, drop me a line! Haha.

With regards to email, I think people will realise that using email as a primary customer identification tool is superior to social offerings.  The email address is your digital passport… it’s the only thing that connects your identity with nearly every disparate website and social network on the internet. 

Simply put – the money is in your email list.  Your challenge is to find the key to unlocking it.


MP: I like Megadeth too, so, please leave a devil horns for our readers 🙂

PM: I’m afraid I’m in business clothes today so devil horns would look stupid. But here’s a tip for your readers – Megadeth are great, but there are loads of excellent, under-the-radar bands out there.  I work with quite a few bands in London to help them promote their identity online.  So check out this band – in my opinion the next big thing in “death punk” – Generation Graveyard.  Tell them I say hello 🙂

O Pplware agradece a disponibilidade de Parry Malm para esta entrevista! Thank you, Parry!


Parry Malm

Parry assume-se com um anarquista digital. Trabalha com marcas e empresas de comunicação social para impulsionar as suas estratégias de marketing digital. Liderou equipas de marketing em Londres, Vancouver e Amesterdão e, mais recentemente, esteve responsável pela equipa de estratégia de uma empresa de marketing digital da SaaS. Em 2014 lançou a Howling Mad com o objectivo de partilhar as suas técnicas inovadoras e conhecimentos especializados para ajudar as empresas a retirarem maior rendibilidade do online.

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