
Classic Shell vira open source! Criador abandona projeto

O Classic Shell é uma ferramenta que permite personalizar e simplificar todo o menu iniciar, podendo o utilizador indicar que ícones passam a estar disponíveis e também definir alguns efeitos.

O criador deste projeto abandonou o projeto, mas disponibilizou o código para quer lhe quiser dar continuidade! Se não gosta do Menu Iniciar do Windows 10, experimente o Menu Iniciar clássico.

A Microsoft costuma proceder a algumas mudanças ao nível da interface do Windows a cada versão. Com o Windows 8, a empresa de Redmond passou a disponibilizar um “Start Screen” e o Windows 10 marcou o regresso do tão popular Menu Iniciar.

Para quem não gosta do Menu do Windows pode sempre personalizá-lo usando ferramentas como o StarDock’s Start10, StartIsBack ou o Classic Shell.

De acordo com uma publicação no site oficial do Classic Shell, o responsável revela que é hora de abandonar o projecto Classic Shell mas o código fica disponível no SourceForge (aqui).

Declarações do autor do projeto

After months of deliberation, I have decided to stop the development of Classic Shell.It was a great adventure for me that lasted 8 fun and exciting years.

It started back in 2009 as a simple weekend project and over time grew to be a hugely popular software brand with many millions of downloads. It was in large part due to all of you, the active Classic Shell community, that reported issues, suggested features, provided translations, developed new skins and participated in forum discussions.

My thanks go to you for your continued support and encouragement.And of course, special thanks to Gaurav Kale, who stuck with me from the early days to the end. His passion for all things Windows was instrumental to the Classic Shell success.

There were few factors that led to my decision:

1) Lack of free time. I have other hobbies that demand my time, some related to software and some not. It requires a lot of effort to add new major features to Classic Shell and keep it relevant. Even keeping it running on newer version of Windows is a lot of work. That leads me to point #2

2) Windows 10 is being updated way too frequently (twice a year) and each new version changes something that breaks Classic Shell. And

3) Each new version of Windows moves further away from the classic Win32 programming model, which allowed room for a lot of tinkering. The new ways things are done make it very difficult to achieve the same customizations

So, moving forward, I am making the latest version of Classic Shell open-source and adding it back to SourceForge (https://sourceforge.net/projects/classicshell/), where it all began. I encourage other people to fork it and go with it.

I will keep the MediaFire download mirror for another 6 months. The forum on http://www.classicshell.net/forum/ will stay open until the end of 2018, however I will not frequently participate in the discussions.

O fórum associado ao projeto vai-se manter até finais de 2018. Quem pretender instalar basta que faça o download aqui.

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