Guia disponibilizado tem apenas 4 passos
A “guerra” Google vs Apple, em concreto Androids e iPhones é bem conhecida de todos os que acompanham o mercado concorrencial dos dispositivos móveis. Em pré-época natalícia, Eric Schmidt presidente e ex-chefe executivo (CEO) da Google, criou e publicou um pequeno tutorial no seu perfil do Google+, onde ensina os utilizadores a migrar do iPhone para um dispositivo com Android.
A estratégia usada por Eric Schmidt parece ter resultado já que a informação tem sido partilhada a escala mundial. Num pequeno post publicado no Google+, o ex.CEO da Google ensina como mudar de iPhone para Android, em apenas 4 passos.
Na publicação, Schmidt começa por referir que já são muitos os seus amigos com iPhone já se converteram para um dispositivo com Android. Para ele, “…os últimos dispositivos Android de topo (ex. Samsung Galaxy S4 ou Nexus 5) têm melhores displays, são mais rápidos e têm uma interface mais intuitiva comparativamente ao iPhone…são um fantástico presente de Natal para os utilizadores que têm iPhone.
Many of my iPhone friends are converting to Android. The latest high-end phones from Samsung (Galaxy S4), Motorola (Verizon Droid Ultra) and the Nexus 5 (for AT&T, Sprint, T-Mobile) have better screens, are faster, and have a much more intuitive interface. They are a great Christmas present to an iPhone user!
Na informação divulgada, Schmidt não esquece o recorde de 81% de vendas do Android no último semestre dizendo que “…80% do mundo gosta de Android”.
…80% of the world, in the latest surveys, agrees on Android.
Feita a introdução, Schmidt escreve de forma detalhada (e muito bem explicada) todos os passos necessários para que um utilizador migre de um iPhone para um dispositivo Android. Aqui ficam os passos sugeridos:
1. Set up the Android phone
a) Power on, connect to WiFi, login with your personal Gmail account, and download in the Google Play Store all the applications you normally use (for example, Instagram).
b) Make sure the software on the Android phone is updated to the latest version (i.e. 4.3 or 4.4). You should get a notification if there are software updates.
c) If you are using AT&T, download the Visual Voicemail app from the Play Store.
d) You can add additional Gmail accounts now or later.
At this point, you should see all your Gmail, and be able to use any apps and they should work well. Be sure to verify this.
2. Update your iPhone or iPad
a) Power on, connect to WiFi, make sure your Gmail is logged in, and upgrade all of the iPhone software to the latest iPhone software release (typically iOS 7+).
b) Check that you are using iCloud to back up contacts. Go to iCloud (in Settings) and enable that for contacts (“on”). If not using iCloud, go ahead and sign up for it. (The latest Mavericks requires the use of iCloud for Mac users if you want to transfer contacts.)
c) For your personal Gmail account, in Settings/Mail, turn on sync for contacts. In the latest iOS, this should sync your Gmail contacts and iPhone contacts.
d) In Settings/Messages, turn “off” iMessage, as that messenger is an iPhone-to-iPhone messenger and if its on your iPhone friends texts won’t make it to Android. Your iPhone will still use SMS messaging to reach your friends if you use the iPhone after this change.
e) Make sure your iPhone is fully synced to the Mac iTunes. Your photos and music should all be backed up on your Mac when this is done. Go ahead and verify that on the Mac and the iPhone.
At this point you should see all your Gmail, have your apps, and have your contacts in the Android phone. If the contacts are not in the Android phone, manually download the contacts as follows on your Mac:
a) Go to, login with your Apple ID, and click on contacts
b) In the lower-left corner, click on the wheel, and “select all” the contacts and “export” the vCard into a vCard file (in Downloads).
c) In a browser, go to, click on the Mail button and select “Contacts”. You should see a list of your Gmail contacts. Import the vCard file into Gmail/contacts using the “Import contacts” command and it should have manually added your contacts. Delete any duplicates or use the “More / Find & merge duplicates” function.
At this point you have your Gmail, apps and contacts on the new phone. Also verify this.
3. On your Mac, connect your music to Google:
Download Google Music Manager onto the Mac, and run it. Music Manager will upload your iTunes music to the cloud. The standard version is free and handles most iTunes libraries. You will need to sign up for Google Wallet and give your credit card information, but it’s free. Be sure the music is going to your personal Gmail account above. See
With the above complete, you should have your Gmail, apps, contacts, and music all moved over. Verify this on the Android phone 🙂
4. Take the SIM out of the iPhone and insert it into Android. You may need an adapter (from nano-SIM to micro-SIM), but then reboot the Android and you are all set ! For texting either use the Messenger app in earlier releases or the “Hangouts” app in Android 4.4.
Toda a informação pode ser visualizada no post público que está no perfil do Eric Schmidt aqui. Este não é certamente um tutorial “inocente” e Schmidt parece ter conseguido o protagonismo pretendido.
Sendo a documentação uma “arma” no sucesso de muitos produtos, acham que esta estratégia irá