
PHP 5.1.2

Actualização em 13/01/2006 Eis uma nova actualização do PHP

…The PHP development team is proud to announce the release of PHP 5.1.2. This release combines small feature enhancements with a fair number of bug fixes and addresses three security issues. All PHP 5 users are encouraged to upgrade to this release. The security issues resolved include the following:

The feature enhancements include the following notables:Hash extension was added to core and is now enabled by default. This extension provides support for most common hashing algorithms without reliance on 3rd party libraries.XMLWriter was added and enabled by default. New OCI8 extension that includes numerous fixes.

PNG compression support added to the GD extension. Added –enable-gcov configure option to enable C-level code coverage. GetNamespaces() and getDocNamespaces() methods added to SimpleXML extension. The release also includes over 85 bug fixes.

Licença: Open Source Mais Informações: Aprenda PHP Download: PHP 5.1.2 Homepage: PHP

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