
Windows Live Messenger 8…

Notícias Messenger Live!Windows Live Messenger Lança Convites !

A Microsoft deu “autorização” aos beta-testers selecionados para efectuarem convites a duas pessoas (familiares ou amigos) de forma a participarem no “beta-testing” do Windows Live Messenger, eis a mensagem dada pela Microsoft:

“Thank you for your help in testing the new Windows Live Messenger Beta! You have just received invitations to send to your friends and family!

Follow the steps below to send invites:

Go to http://ideas.live.com/, click Beta users sign in here, and then sign in. Click Windows Live Messenger Beta, and then click the “Invite them to sign up” link on the right side of the page. Enjoy!

The Windows Live Messenger team”

Visitar : Windows Live Messenger Blog

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