PplWare Mobile

NetTest: A simples ferramenta de rede que tira todas as dúvidas


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Autor: Pedro Simões

  1. Paulo says:

    Então isto é uma alternativa ao IPCONFIG e PING na linha de comandos!

  2. Carlos says:

    E o que é que isto faz que o “resolver problemas” do Windows 7/8.x não faz?

  3. kaisar says:

    local gateway failed, como posso resolver isto? alguem me pode dar uma dica?

    • kaisar says:

      alguem, por favor?

      • André Guerra says:

        Aparece-me exactamente a mesma coisa.
        Se alguém souber como resolver, também agradecia =)

        • There are a few reasons the Default Gateway test could fail:
          1) NetTest, when used in “automatic mode”, assumes that your default gateway IP is the .1 of whatever subnet your local IP is. So if your local IP is, then it will assume your default gateway is In version 2 this can be changed by inputting your actual default gateway IP in the box labeled “Default Gateway” before running the test.

          2) Another scenario is that NetTest correctly gets the DG IP but the DG is either not responding, you have an incorrect static IP set for the DG in your network settings.

          In order to find your default gateway, you can do the following steps:
          1) Open the START menu
          2) Type cmd and press (XP: select “Run…” then type cmd and press )
          3) type ipconfig and press
          Your default gateway will be shown. Note that this only finds the correct DG if DHCP is enabled on your router or DHCP server. If you have an incorrect DG set ipconfig will only show that incorrect DG.

          Hope that helps and thanks for downloading!!

        • kaisar says:

          fiz a mesma questão na pagina de suporte do programa e tive a seguinte resposta:

          There are a few reasons the Default Gateway test could fail:
          1) NetTest, when used in “automatic mode”, assumes that your default gateway IP is the .1 of whatever subnet your local IP is. So if your local IP is, then it will assume your default gateway is In version 2 this can be changed by inputting your actual default gateway IP in the box labeled “Default Gateway” before running the test.

          2) Another scenario is that NetTest correctly gets the DG IP but the DG is either not responding, you have an incorrect static IP set for the DG in your network settings.

          In order to find your default gateway, you can do the following steps:
          1) Open the START menu
          2) Type cmd and press (XP: select “Run…” then type cmd and press )
          3) type ipconfig and press
          Your default gateway will be shown. Note that this only finds the correct DG if DHCP is enabled on your router or DHCP server. If you have an incorrect DG set ipconfig will only show that incorrect DG.

          Hope that helps and thanks for downloading!!

          bastou ir à linha de comandos, e com o comando ipconfig, ir buscar o ip correcto da gateway e pronto, ja não me deu erro aqui!


  4. Catarino says:

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    Complete Internet Repair


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